Marketing mysteries uncovered: video blog Q&A #1


I don't love myself on video (as so many of us will confess!) but I did it anyway because I wanted the tribe to get to know me a bit more. Being brave in marketing is what it's all about, so I have to walk the walk and also get out of my comfort zone. And why does a video always display a still of the most unbecoming pose????!!! As my video editing skills improve, I'm sure I can change it. 

I answered three questions in this Q&A:

  • Is it good or bad to run specials for my photography business?

  • Is it worth it to advertise with Facebook, boost posts?

  • What price structure attracts good clients - packages, a la carte?

Let me know in the comments if you found any nugget of wisdom, if you have a future question I can answer, or even if you disagree with my opinion (and tell me why). 

Follow this blog for more of my thoughts on marketing and business for photographers, and join the Facebook Group here to chat with others on this topic, and more!