Happy Holidays from MBP

Image of a snowflake as it relates to a blog post about marketing for photographers

As the holidays are upon us, I want to wish everyone who follows this blog a happy, healthy and safe holiday season. Recharging our batteries is so important as it allows us to recover from heavy shooting seasons and fill our cups.

Some thoughts as I approach holiday season, from a marketing perspective:

  • I have special skills and talents that are worthy of good, healthy payment. I put everything I can into each photoshoot, and in return, clients pay me well. Their payment is their appreciation of that work, and I will allow them to show that appreciation. It’s right, and just. You don’t need to put in piles of work and expect peanuts in return - that is not balance and eventually imbalance can turn to resentment.

  • I can run a business with heart and still make money. Those 2 things are not mutually exclusive, NO MATTER WHAT ANYONE SAYS TO YOU. You don’t have to believe their version; you can believe your version.

  • You can learn effective marketing. No baby is born a marketer, no matter how savvy they are now. I learned marketing over years being immersed in that business. I can learn it, you can learn it. One step at a time. It ain’t rocket science.

  • Marketing is not shady, or creepy, or underhanded. You are not trying to sell someone on something they don’t want and telling them it’s good when it isn’t, or they need it when they don’t. People decide they want photography, and then set out to find someone to do that for them. Marketing is a set of activities that you do, to become discoverable by those people. It’s on the up-and-up, and it’s a service to others. If you do as I do in the first point - give your clients your all, then marketing brings them to you so that you can make their life better. What exactly is underhanded about that?

  • You are always worthy. No matter what price you set, what marketing things you do or don’t do, if a client got upset with you, if you made a mistake. All those things are separate from the fact that you are worthy. Just because you exist. If you can fully step into that truth, then all the other things are just that - things, that happen. Things will come and go, things can get resolved, we learn from things. I love a quote “don’t be a tumbleweed.” A tumbleweed is blown around by any breeze. Instead, you are a rock. The wind can blow, and you remain stable. Winds eventually die down and pass.

Looking forward to some incredible things in 2023. The new MBP brand is launching in February of 2023 and I have lots of exciting things to share. I hope that you will stay for that ride!

Thanks for being here,
