Get higher paying photography clients using the marketing secrets of the 78 Billion Dollar Luxury Industry

The luxury industry continues to make sales in the billions no matter the state of the economy or median incomes. You are about to discover how their marketing secrets can be applied to your photography business, no matter how big or small. Read on to find out how….


Calling all photographers who struggle finding photography clients. You are kept awake at night thinking:

The economy is dampening and people don’t want to spend.

You can’t compete with the ton of low-priced photographers in your area.

Your inbox is getting few inquiries. (This one may cause actual nightmares!)

You’re getting ghosted when you send your prices.

And you’re constantly worrying that you won’t ever find success being a photographer; that you don’t have what it takes.


You don’t need to be a luxury photographer to use the secrets of the luxury business to increase bookings.

You only have to be a little more luxe than the competitors to stand out in the saturated market.


“I just had my best year in revenue!”

Last year, I set a goal to increase my average sale and improve the client experience in my dog photography business. The Little Luxuries book gave me simple, actionable strategies to try. One small change I made was swapping my ripped jeans and old t-shirts for more attractive outfits during sessions to appear as a trusted professional. The results speak for themselves—I just had my best year in revenue!
— Amanda Engel Photography
Luxury guide for photographers

The Little Luxuries Handbook

Little to no-cost ways to elevate your business, and appeal to a more affluent client. Break free of the saturated market and enter your own market. Some of these can be implemented immediately!


The Biggest Secret in this handbook: How to unlock accessible luxury desire for photography services.

People are still spending somewhere and some seek finer things in life for a mood and lifestyle boost in an otherwise regular, 9-5 kind of life.

Do what the luxury giants do, to get some of what the luxury giants get.

If you have been targeting average families, they may be taking their once disposable dollars and putting them towards living expenses. This means nothing left over for the nice things they may have spent on before. Even your previous client roster may start drying up as they cut photography services from the budget.

Who isn’t as affected by economic conditions? Those in above-average markets who still have disposable dollars and wish to stretch for some finer things to break up the ordinary. But to market to this more affluent group of the middle-market — the upper middle and beyond — you must present yourself as a unmistakable choice. You have to look and feel different from other photographers. You have to be attractive and appealing to this new audience. You need to level up. If you are here, you are ready!


You must answer this question in the client’s mind: why would they choose you over any other photographer? If you struggle with knowing this answer, and sick and tired of trying what those around you are doing and nothing works, the handbook will give you 10 ways that have proven success in the luxury industry!

Image of a beach and a pair of sunglasses, as advertising a luxury book guide for photographers

This Little Luxury handbook

Discover 10 powerful yet common sense strategies used successfully in luxury circles for how to set your brand and tone to be that more appealing option. Most photographers will cut their prices to try and get at least some dollars but will feel defeated working for so little.

Not you. You will instantly set yourself apart from those just slashing prices. You are setting yourself up for earning money, not losing money. There is another way!


Life’s Work Stories: Press Play in your Business

Many photographers look for marketing “tips and tricks” to get bookings but most will use the same, tired tips and tricks you see in Facebook groups and blog articles. Some of those may be helpful, but if everyone is doing it, then you’re not standing out!

You have stumbled onto the secret they don’t have. Lean into learning the big-fish tips and tricks that luxury retail, hospitality and real estate use to attract higher earning clients.

The beautiful thing? You don’t have to become a luxury service provider. Adding luxury touches doesn’t mean all of a sudden serving millionaires, but it does mean differentiating from the low-priced crowd and being a more desirable option for a market higher than you’re in now.

The luxury secrets in this handbook are presented as Life’s-Work Stories (LFS). Add one story, or multiple stories as you see fit, to match your photography genre, brand and business model and craft a powerful and unique story to attract your ideal clients.

Curious of the content?

Here is a sampling of stories that will infuse a little luxury into your business!

Fresh Flower Power: Designer secrets

Red Carpet Communications: Power of upscale messaging

The Gated Guide: Exclusivity

Luxury Lexicon: Words with appeal

Education through Excellence: Weed out discount-seekers

…and more! The handbook includes how to implement these elements into your business, with extra ShineSparkL bonus tips to rise even higher!


The luxury industry in the U.S alone is a 78 Billion dollar industry, and growing year over year. What are their secrets of getting people to spend, even when economies are unpredictable and when there are many lower cost options?

Hint: it’s not about the money.

Applying these marketing strategies that luxury retail, hospitality and real estate use, you may be surprised at how simple and down-to-earth they are. Because it’s not all about the price but about feelings, lifestyle, identity and some well-crafted branding. Small details can cause MAJOR changes!

There are absolutely NO OTHER RESOURCES I have found that adapt the successful techniques that luxury powerhouses such Chanel, Louis Vuitton, Rolex, and Four Seasons use daily in their businesses, to adapt into any sized photography businesses.

As a former marketer with a Psychology degree, I have looked at dozens of case-studies to distil the techniques, understand the psychology of why they work, and how they can be transformed into effective techniques for us. I have also used these personally to elevate my business in my client’s eyes, and regularly book well-paying clients with high rates of repeat business. I knew I wasn’t going to be a top luxury provider, but I did know that I wanted to create an experience for clients that felt and looked more premium than the masses of other photographers discounting and shooting and burning. There are many levels of success. We don’t have to be at the very top but we certainly don’t want to be at the bottom. It’s the most crowded there!

Most believe luxury industry marketing strategy is way out of their league — they have huge ad budgets and their products have big brand reputation to bring in clients with money. All of that can be true, but don’t let that exterior fool you! The sales and psychology strategies they use are not specially formulated for them and kept under lock and key for only the affluent. What they have done is capitalize and amplify otherwise simple strategies to appeal to people’s senses, identities and life aspirations, and those strategies actually helped to catapult them into the luxury space and now they build on that success constantly. You don’t ever have to be as big as they, or have the same goals as them, to benefit from the knowledge. In marketing, luxury IS attainable! Their marketing and selling strategies, that is!


100% Money Back Guarantee

I have done lots of research on the luxury industry and combined it with my career experience in marketing agency, to bring you these ideas and help you synthesize them into your business, no matter how small. I am proud to offer this product and believe 100% that you have not heard marketing presented in this way, and that it will make a difference in your business. This is why I confidently offer a 100% money-back guarantee if you don’t feel you received value from this guide.

Great ideas are waiting for you!

You are ready to break free of the saturated photography market and create your OWN market. What’s remarkable about the word own? It means something belongs to you but it also means to claim, embody or master something. While others are piecing together random tips and tricks from the Internet, you can speed things up by owning this guide — buying it and embodying it. You are ready to sparkle and shine!