Life sentence...the kind that helps with marketing

On-demand, freelance marketing services for photographers

No, I don't mean you're destined to be behind bars. What I think is important is to find a sentence that defines your life - your life sentence. In other words, your personal mission statement.

Many artists report that as soon as they had clarity on who they are, their work improved. Everything improved. The more you that you can be, the more you can find success in what you seek. Why? It's all psychology. When you really and truly know who you are, several things happen:

You can say no more easily

If you know yourself, then you know what you like/dislike, and thus you can decline anything that comes your way that doesn't suit you, guilt-free. Could be that when we sit within our 'true self' vibe, we also decline less often as those no opportunities can seem to magically avoid us. When we waffle on a decision, it could be our clue to look within and figure out why. When the answer comes, we've learned something about ourselves. 

You can find your style

The more you know yourself, the more deeply you can translate that into the photographs you take. As I get to know myself better, my style evolves into something more me. I have actually felt this process happen. When you see all those FB posts of showing an older photo and newer one to show improvement, what we're really looking at is a mix of technique and self-reflection. If you see a huge difference in the before to after, then it's a telltale sign that someone has embraced who they are and are letting that weave into their work. If the before/after is not hugely different, it could also be a clue that while technique may have improved, there may be more inner work needed - and it's usually around fear.

You increase your self-confidence

We all know that it's not always the most talented photographer who can be the most profitable/ successful - it's the one who hustles and is good at business and marketing. But those aren't the only factors. Self-confidence is like a psychological Red Bull - it boosts all of our efforts. We feel good in our skin, thus fear less, to become more fearless. We all know that when we have the right outfit on and have a good hair and makeup day, we walk differently and feel we can conquer the world. Imagine having that feeling all the time, even when wearing your sweats and sporting a messy bun and bags under your eyes. Confidence derives partially from external factors, but cultivate the internal ones by embracing and accepting who you are wholly and it's a game changer. You exude it, and people feel that vibe. It's an attraction vibe and the magnetism that confidence creates is very irresistible. 

All of these things point to a road of achieving goals; in pursuing and finding success. Saying no to some things clears a path of yes opportunities and this accelerates your growth. It's like driving down a boulevard with every light green - you're unstoppable! Finding your style helps client connect effortlessly because they share the connection in the work. Increasing self-confidence means a better job at producing top-notch work, in converting leads into clients and in converting clients into repeat clients - and that means profitability.

Think about who you are. Write down your likes/dislikes, your favourite places, colours, activities, what kind of people draw or repel you, where you spend your time, what you regret, what you wish for. Then, see if you can craft a sentence that defines you.

A long time ago, mine came to me. I was working in Toronto in a cubicle, and I had a lack of inner clarity. Many people don't bother to try to find that clarity - they resign themselves to working a job they dislike, for fear of not finding something better, or fear of failing. But I did bother and my path took me down many roads - sketching inventions in my quest to become an industrial designer, refinishing old dressers and learning the correct kitchen counter height in my quest to get on an amateur design challenge show, taking a silkscreening course, selling shoes on Ebay, even going back to school to pursue a Master's degree in Psychology. With each element, I learned more about me. And that none of those elements were truly me. But with each step, I got closer. Then I started with a new company where I worked heavily with a creative team - there were photoshoots brainstormed, and stock photography required for the website. At the same time, my entrepreneurial spirit got stronger. I registered a business to help artisans find venues for their work. And my life sentence came: Inspire, create, be great. The business never got off the ground, as I decided to move my family back to my hometown of Montreal. But the life sentence stayed, and shortly after the move, a brand new camera made its way into my hand, and things finally clicked (pun intended!). I realize that my sentence brewed with every new thing I tried on, and came into itself when I found a camera. This life sentence has since been tattooed on my arm, as it is, for life. 

Have you found your life sentence?

Are you struggling with marketing and need a plan, and find my content valuable? I have a ready-made marketing action plan available on my products page. It's actually my own plan that I'm making available to you! Find details here.