Some secrets of marketing - that cost nothing

Freelance on-demand marketing tips, services and guides for photographers

The term 'marketing' can send people running for the hills. Some think it's so complicated that it's really the territory of large companies with large budgets. Others think it's about only being yourself and because you're shy or anxious or socially awkward it's terrifying to be vulnerable publicly in order to get bookings.

I fall in the middle of these 2 opinions. Marketing is not reserved for some elitist group. Anyone can do it, if they learn about it. Nor is it only baring your soul to others, because you need some skill and knowledge to advertise and sell products and services, along with being your authentic self.

So you don't have a marketing team backing you and you haven't yet cultivated a tremendous knowledge of marketing principles, or you have but you're not putting it together well. Is there anything you can do right now to improve your marketing?

I'll share with you my secret sauce and it's really not secret stuff but it's often overlooked. It's the art of being human, of connection, of communication. Fundamentally, marketing is about relationships and people. Yes, there are concepts under the umbrella like PR, branding, advertising, psychology and sales, but it all boils down to people connecting. What is that secret sauce?

Professional and courteous communication

I avoid emojis, slang, abbreviations and overly casual/unprofessional language. I may use the occasional lol or emoji, but only when I get to know a client and we become friends - never on first contact. Especially at the start of a potential relationship, I want to set the tone that they are contacting a professional who takes their photos seriously. It sets an expectation to take me seriously, and greatly reduces the likelihood of asking for discounts and exceptions. But more importantly, it helps to make them feel well cared for and in the hands of an expert who will lead them every step of the way and make it a pleasant experience. It costs you nothing to use professional, courteous language and make people feel like they've made the right choice with you.

Tell me which you would like to hear, if you're about to hand over hundreds of dollars of your hard-earned money to someone:

Hi x, thank you so much for contacting me. Pricing can vary based on the package you choose; I've attached my pricing guide for your convenience. Thank you for considering me to photograph your family, and I'm happy to answer any further questions you may have. Warmly, photographer

Hey, I usually charge x for a session and you get y-z files and you can buy more if you want. Lemme know if you wanna book 😊😊😊

Incredible customer service

I see rants multiple times a day on FB about how someone experienced bad customer service. I'm not super surprised, as these days it seems like the art of the sale is suffering. I don't necessarily believe that the customer is always right, but I do believe that every single exchange with me should make my client feel like they came away feeling good - like their cup was filled and not depleted. There are no stupid questions. There are never too many questions. I try to anticipate their needs and fulfill them, as I find most conflict arises when your client doesn't feel well-informed or well taken care of. Good customer service often preempts any objections, which makes for smoother sails (and sales!). If a conflict does arise, great customer service can put out fires quickly and bring everyone on the same side. Simply, I treat clients the way I want to be treated when I'm a client. So what do I do specifically? Things like:

  • Responding quickly to all emails/inquiries (while maintaining my boundaries - during business hours I will usually respond within an hour or less if I'm not shooting, and first thing in the morning if the inquiry came in the evening)

  • Priming them on price multiple times so they don't feel they are surprised by a big bill

  • Emailing the week prior to confirm session, location with full address and postal (or zip) code, my cell number to communicate day of, and any other details pertinent to the session

  • For wedding couples, I always send an email the night before, wishing them a good night's sleep, and expressing my enthusiasm for their wedding

  • At the end of family sessions, I reiterate timelines

  • I email every client after the session (family clients same day, wedding clients next day). I include a sneak peek image, and I thank them for taking the time for the session and what a lovely time I had meeting them (and I insert something from the day - funny things their kids did, their cute pup etc)

  • If I anticipate any issue/ delay or have made an error, I communicate immediately with apologies and a resolution. I don't let things drag on - nipping things in the bud will usually avert escalation

No ranting

I might swap lighthearted stories with fellow photogs when we get together, but I will never, never, ever bash a client or a potential client, online, offline, anywhere, anytime. This kind of thing is pervasive on social media. While it's actually rare for me to be frustrated by a client, I have had some challenging exchanges just like everyone else. I might take a few deep breaths and do an eye roll and then I immediately try to shake it off and move into a more positive headspace. I am a believer in energy. Even if there is no chance a client may ever hear or know of my rant, the negative energy of it gets pumped out and multiplied, especially on media where it can quickly gain momentum and become a complain-fest with others commiserating. I prefer to pump out kind words, creativity and beautiful imagery into the world, and I fully believe that same amazing energy will be returned to me in spades. I understand our need to vent about difficult things, but we can do so in private such as confiding in a spouse or close family member or friend, rather than sending it out into public domain and into the collective unconscious. 

Notwithstanding other marketing efforts, these very simple things can yield absolutely magical results in your business. When clients feel they were cared for, received amazing service and images, and connected with your positive vibe as a person and creative spirit, you can be sure that they will sing your praises. And there you go, congratulations - you're an expert now at word of mouth marketing. 

Are you struggling with marketing and need a plan, and find my content valuable? I have a ready-made marketing action plan available on my products page. It's actually my own plan that I'm making available to you! Find details here.