The powerful lesson I learned from a decade with marketing agencies BodyLucy BaumJanuary 17, 2022photographers, marketing, marketing strategy, marketing secrets, business, business development, client management
Anchoring works! A simple and effective marketing strategy for your photography business that you can implement today Pricing for Photographers, Psychology concepts, Marketing conceptsLucy BaumDecember 8, 2021photographers, photography pricing, pricing for photographers, photography marketing tools, photography pricing strategies
MOVE month: SWOT analysis Energy (Brand), Wisdom (Business & Marketing)Lucy BaumMarch 5, 2019photographers, photography, SWOT, SWOT for photographers, marketing, marketing secrets, marketing strategy, marketing for photographers, business strategy, business, business for photographers, ideal client, ideal client photography, target market, strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats, photography business, starting a photography business
Who is your true competition? Body, Mind (Sales & Psychology)Lucy BaumOctober 16, 2018marketing for photographers, marketing strategy, marketing, photography competition, photography goals, photographers, business strategy, business for photographers, photography marketing
Life sentence...the kind that helps with marketing Energy (Brand)Lucy BaumMay 28, 2018psychology, psychology of marketing, photographers, photography goals, photography marketing, personal mission statement, personal growth, success mindset, knowing yourself, marketing, marketing for photographers, entrepreneurs, how to market, marketing plan, law of attraction, business strategy
What's a post-mortem and why you want to do this in business Marketing concepts, Business conceptsLucy BaumMay 21, 2018marketing for photographers, business, business strategy, brand building, client management, photography marketing, photographers, photography goals, photography, how to market, psychology of marketing, persuasion psychology, influence psychology, psychology, s, starting with marketing, strategy, setting goals, sustainable business
It's not a marketing plan, it's your next vacation Wisdom (Business & Marketing), Mind (Sales & Psychology)Lucy BaumApril 9, 2018marketing, marketing for photographers, how to market, ideal client, business, business strategy, sustainable business, entrepreneurs, target market, photographers, photography, marketing plan, photography goals, setting goals, objectives, strategy, action
Series: Facebook business sins: Oversharing Social MediaLucy BaumMarch 19, 2018marketing, business, business strategy, Facebook, web strategy, social media, social platforms, photography, photographers, sustainable business, how to market
Don't let the marketing vampire in Wisdom (Business & Marketing)Lucy BaumMarch 14, 2018Facebook, marketing, business, business strategy, ideal client, target market, photographers, photography, how to market
Series: Facebook business sins: Exclamation points! Wisdom (Business & Marketing), Mind (Sales & Psychology)Lucy BaumMarch 1, 2018social media, marketing, photography, photographers, Facebook, social media mistakes, business, business strategy, sustainable business
Do you like me? It’s better this way Psychology conceptsLucy BaumFebruary 16, 2018psychology, persuasion, persuasion psychology, influence psychology, liking, marketing, how to market, photography, photographers, About Me, web strategy, website
How client galleries are like the real estate market Wisdom (Business & Marketing)Lucy BaumFebruary 16, 2018client galleries, images, marketing, how to market, photography, photographers, best work, weak link, portfolio, client management
Is your “About” page doing its job? Wisdom (Business & Marketing)Lucy BaumFebruary 16, 2018marketing, business, About Me, website, website design, photography, photographers, entrepreneurs, site optimization, psychology, how to market, web strategy