The powerful lesson I learned from a decade with marketing agencies BodyLucy BaumJanuary 17, 2022photographers, marketing, marketing strategy, marketing secrets, business, business development, client management
Value Proposition: the trap of General and Generic Energy (Brand)Lucy BaumOctober 27, 2020value proposition, unique selling proposition, marketing secrets, marketing for photographers, website design, ideal client photography, branding, branding for photographers
You settle and I settle we all settle Mind (Sales & Psychology)Lucy BaumOctober 19, 2020marketing secrets, marketing, photography business, marketing strategy, psychology of marketing
Top 3 Marketing bravery: Wisdom from Seth Godin's "This is Marketing" Marketing concepts, Business concepts, Psychology conceptsLucy BaumSeptember 2, 2019marketing books, marketing secrets, marketing, marketing books for photographers, marketing for photographers, books, ideal client, ideal client photography, readymade marketing plan, psychology of marketing
Defining your ideal client: How to START Psychology concepts, Energy (Brand), Wisdom (Business & Marketing)Lucy BaumMay 25, 2019action, ideal client, ideal client photography, psychology, marketing secrets, marketing strategy, marketing, marketing plan, SWOT, SWOT for photographers, how to market, knowing yourself, brand building photographers, brand building, brand awareness, developing style photographers
My personal SWOT Energy (Brand), Wisdom (Business & Marketing)Lucy BaumMay 10, 2019freelance marketing services, client management, SWOT for photographers, brand building, overcoming fear, marketing plan, influence psychology, business for photographers, full marketing plan, helpwithmarketing, persuasion psychology, businesssuccess, marketing for photographers, marketing guide, brand, how to market, photography marketing tools, business strategy, marketing secrets, creativebusiness, ideal client photography, knowing your worth, knowing yourself, starting with marketing, objectives, readymade marketing plan, marketing products, marketinggoals, freelance marketing for photographers, marketing strategy, marketing, business, entrepreneur, helpwithbusiness, photography marketing, starting a photography business, creativity and marketing, SWOT, photography client management, action, market creatively
MOVE month: SWOT analysis Energy (Brand), Wisdom (Business & Marketing)Lucy BaumMarch 5, 2019photographers, photography, SWOT, SWOT for photographers, marketing, marketing secrets, marketing strategy, marketing for photographers, business strategy, business, business for photographers, ideal client, ideal client photography, target market, strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats, photography business, starting a photography business
Can you afford to be affordable? For the answer, look at who your future self will be Wisdom (Business & Marketing), Mind (Sales & Psychology)Lucy BaumJanuary 11, 2019affordable photographer, business, brand building, business strategy, marketing secrets, marketing for photographers, marketing strategy, confidence, entrepreneurs, photography goals, photography, photography discounts, photography pricing, pricing, photography pricing strategies, how to market, how to price photography
The 15 minute marketing miracle Body, Wisdom (Business & Marketing)Lucy BaumDecember 22, 2018marketing, marketing for photographers, marketing strategy, cistp, customer service, how to market, i, law of attraction, liking, marketing secrets
A lesson on worth Body, Mind (Sales & Psychology)Lucy BaumNovember 15, 2018marketing secrets, marketing, knowing your worth, pricing, pricing for photographers, business strategy, business for photographers, sustainable business, action, brand, brand building, Design Army, Pum Lefubure, entrepreneurs, success mindset, success, photography, positioning, value proposition
The price is wrong Energy (Brand), Wisdom (Business & Marketing), Mind (Sales & Psychology)Lucy BaumOctober 9, 2018marketing for photographers, marketing secrets, marketing strategy, marketing, selling, creating ads, successful ads, pricing for photographers
Coming in for a Wisdom (Business & Marketing)Lucy BaumOctober 3, 2018action, Facebook advertising, Facebook, marketing strategy, marketing secrets, marketing for photographers, best work, business strategy, business for photographers, landing page, finding clients, online advertising, online marketing strategy, social media for photographers
"The Present" Vision Board: Marketing results for my business Energy (Brand), Wisdom (Business & Marketing)Lucy BaumSeptember 21, 2018vision board, marketing for photographers, marketing secrets, marketing strategy, marketing, how to market, inspiration, vision work, ideal client, brand, brand building, photography style, photography marketing, photography
Transforming the 'mini' madness Wisdom (Business & Marketing)Lucy BaumAugust 24, 2018mini session advertising, mini sessions, mini-session, brand building, business strategy, brand, photography marketing, pho, how to market, influence psychology, marketing secrets, marketing strategy, marketing, new photography marketing, o, photography goals, starting with marketing, psychology of marketing
Some secrets of marketing - that cost nothing Wisdom (Business & Marketing)Lucy BaumJune 4, 2018marketing, psychology of marketing, marketing secrets, discounts, entrepreneurs, f, g, how to market, law of attraction, knowing yourself, photography, r, starting with marketing, business strategy, business