The 15 minute marketing miracle

Marketing for photographers

Recently, a potential client reached out about an extended family session; a referral from a past client.

She mentioned how she was trying to coordinate several family members, some from abroad, for this session. Given this, I felt it would be good to speak with her in person about where everyone was coming from, and the vision for the session. When families live far apart and they’ve made the effort to converge in one place, it’s important to get things right!

I asked for a phone consult to learn a bit more and this call was very revealing. I learned about 2 previously poor photography experiences where the family felt there were key portraits missing, and they received little direction that reflected in the photos. I learned it was in honour of her parent’s wedding anniversary and a surprise gift for mum. My client was pleasantly surprised to be asked for the call and said she felt more comfortable. 

Because of the information revealed in this 15 minute call, I now know where i might make that experience better for her and the family. I understand that they were disappointed in the past, and thus it is my goal, even my duty, to knock this experience out of the park for them. I really don’t like hearing stories where clients invested in a service and felt that they didn’t receive what they were hoping for.

I have instilled confidence in my client that their needs and wishes will be respected, and cared for. I will focus on creating memorable portraits that had been missed in the past. I will arrive with chocolates for mum and dad to celebrate their anniversary, candy canes for the rest of the family, and even some dog treats for their 2 pups. How do you think I’ll compare to the previous experiences?

What did this cost me? A small box of chocolates, candy canes and a dog treat, and 15 min out of my time. What will be the result? A happy family that will now carry with them a positive photography experience rather than a negative one. Re-establishing that positive energy helps us all - because every time we radiate pure joy into the world, it joins the collective and raises the vibe for us all.

What 15 minute marketing miracles can you accomplish that will make a difference in your business or for your clients? Can you make someone’s day better? Can you serve them better? We have to remember it’s not about spending a lot or going over the top. It’s about the little things that show you care. It’s about how they feel when they do business with you. This energy will return to you 10-fold, I promise.

Do you have a good grip on your website - the tool that works 24/7 to speak to your tribe? Pick up a copy of this handy website guide, with tips on how to optimize your site design your site to attract ideal clients.

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