Can you afford to be affordable? For the answer, look at who your future self will be

Photography pricing how to price photography

I want to be affordable. I want everyone to have beautiful photos.

Let’s explore what this really means.

Cheap attracts everyone.

Cheap is simple and easy to market. Cheap is in fact a marketing strategy in and of itself, albeit a poor one if you want to profitable. It works mostly with large corporations who can leverage economies of scale, not a business of one. Conversely, a solid, well thought out and consistent marketing plan is what will attract a more refined clientele that are willing to pay for the value received. The catch? That takes time, research, reflection and emotional investment. Not as easy as cheap, that’s certain. Many just don’t know where to start, so they use the only strategy they know - drop the price. I’ll say this is akin to importing a photo into Lightroom and then using only one slider.

Fear holds us back.

Often, saying you want to be affordable is code for the truth: fear of having to ask for a higher price. Think of any time that fear gave you a good long-term result - doesn’t exist, right? If fear is present, it usually means we really want what we’re scared of, so it’s a good clue of what’s important to us. If not conquered, it erodes our abilities to grow and evolve over a longer term by preventing us from taking risks and being vulnerable. The guise of being affordable sounds a whole lot better to the public than admitting you are paralyzed with fear, or that you will do just about anything to prevent having to face that fear.

I wrote an article on some other aspects of the concept of affordability that we may not think of. Beyond that, let’s say you really, really, want just want to be accessible to everyone. How to accomplish?

Let’s imagine 2 scenarios.

In the first scenario you charge $25 a session and shoot like crazy and you're tired and burnt. Some of those clients may be lower income and appreciate the cheapness, but many others could afford to pay 10x as much but are getting a super advantage at your expense. In the second scenario you are charging fair money for service to those who can pay those prices, making good profit and in a financially good place and then working with non profits to truly identify those who can't afford, and donating services. Win!

In the first scenario you're toiling alongside with those who can't afford things because $25/session is unsustainable even if working to the bone (because there are only so many hours in a day and you are one person and there is a limit of clients who need or want mini after mini) and after expenses, leaves you not being able to afford things for you, your family and your business. Other than cheap, nothing here is newsworthy and thus not much meat on the bone for other marketing strategies to attract higher end clients. Nor do you have time to even think of any other marketing because you must have a constant stream of clients in your door to keep the trickle of income trickling and price is a hands-off marketing strategy keeping that trickle going.

In the second scenario you are a successful and respected business leader and pillar of the community with a reputation for philanthropy and bettering your community. This makes for multiple marketing opportunities - submit press releases to local media and blogs about a new program to donate photos to the less fortunate, then share those on your media. Partner with charities and businesses to raise money or donate services and get known in your community. Can you see how this can multiply? Hi, I saw you name in the paper after you did the event for the church, where you donated portraits to lower income families. I love that and I went to your website and I love your work! Could you give me more information on your packages?

It's up to you which of these your future self will be, but I'll argue the latter is far more fruitful for everyone because everyone wins.

Let’s all express who we prefer to be, and commit to success. Tell me in the comments!

  1. I want to make very little income and work exhaustively to be able to afford to keep my business afloat. Income will trickle in but hey, at least it’s something. I can’t afford to upgrade my equipment, buy any amazing props, or invest in courses or better lighting to then offer bigger and better services to clients and evolve my work. I want to work 60+ hours a week, I don’t really want to spend too much time with my family, have time to network with other business owners in my area to build a reputation, or have both money and time to take rejuvenating breaks and enrich my life. I want to remain in this cycle of poverty of income, time and effort. I’m not building a business or a legacy or a dream; I’m simply toiling day to day with no time to take a breath so that others can afford my service. Dammit, everyone deserves great photos!

  2. I want to elevate to become a respected and successful business owner in my community, making enough money to create giving programs for those who truly can't afford me, or partner with other local businesses on programs or events that improve the quality of life for those more vulnerable. I’ll attract clients who can and want to pay for high-quality services and who want to be associated with a business owner who contributes to the well being of their community. I’ll automatically be heads and tails above any person with a camera and be recognized as a professional in my field. I want to keep my sanity, my sleep, my creativity, and have more time for family and/or personal projects/travel and personal enrichment. I understand that I must make a time investment to get here, but I’m willing to put in the work to get to this very rewarding place that will build my business, my credibility, my profitability, and a legacy for my children. Dammit, everyone deserves great photos!

Are you struggling with marketing and need a plan, and find my content valuable? I have a ready-made marketing action plan available on my products page. It's actually my own plan that I'm making available to you! Find details here.

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