Strengthen your marketing muscles through The Content Diet IntuitionLucy BaumNovember 14, 2024marketing strategies for photographers, marketing strategy, marketing education, marketing education for photographers, marketing help for photographers
Stop the eternal argument of whether to edit the same or differently across sessions. Find your signature style instead IntuitionLucy BaumMay 30, 2024marketing education, marketing message photographers, brand building photographers, marketing strategy, inconsistent editing, photography editing, photography style, photography voice, photography signature style
How to market your photography business: Five unexpected ways Energy (Brand), Wisdom (Business & Marketing)Lucy BaumMay 22, 2024marketing guide, marketing education, marketing for photographers, marketing message photographers, brand building photographers, marketing strategy
5 January planning ideas for photography client booking success Wisdom (Business & Marketing)Lucy BaumJanuary 5, 2023photography business, book more clients photographers, marketing education for photographers, business education for photographers, annual planning for photographers, photographer marketing plan, marketing strategy, brand audit photography, cost of doing business for photographers, Cost of doing business, photography education
5 reasons why low prices damage your business - compensation lessons from the book “Homeless to Billionaire” Wisdom (Business & Marketing)Lucy BaumNovember 24, 2022photography pricing, pricing for photographers, photography pricing strategies, marketing books, marketing strategy, photography compensation, self confidence photography, working for little money, photography business, photography marketing, new photographers marketing
I'll give you 75-100% of my advice on how to book clients: Why 'ranges' are bad for photography business Wisdom (Business & Marketing)Lucy BaumNovember 16, 2022photography business model, photography pricing, business success, business strategy, marketing, marketing strategy
Brand and Marketing: Your clients have a story to be discovered Energy (Brand)Lucy BaumNovember 10, 2022brand story, branding, branding for photographers, marketing for photographers, marketing strategy, photography sales, increase photography bookings, find clients photography
Treat everything you sell as a precious object Intuition, Wisdom (Business & Marketing)Lucy BaumNovember 3, 2022self-doubt, self esteem, establishing value, photography value, advertising, marketing, marketing strategy, pricing for photographers
Stop "educating" clients with a laundry list of expenses: Create a Commitment to Excellence statement instead Wisdom (Business & Marketing)Lucy BaumOctober 20, 2022marketing for photographers, commitment to excellence statement, satisfaction guarantee, business success, business strategy, marketing strategy, client experience photography, brand development, brand voice, brand identity photographers, building a photography brand, starting a photography business
Every photographer should offer at least a secret money-back guarantee. Here’s why Wisdom (Business & Marketing), Mind (Sales & Psychology)Lucy BaumOctober 6, 2022psychology of marketing, psychology of pricing, marketing strategy, money-back guarantee, money-back guarantee photography, satisfaction guarantee, business development, business strategy, how to market, marketing education for photographers
MBP is re-branding! Join me as I'll share every step of how I'm doing it Energy (Brand)Lucy BaumJuly 11, 2022photography business model, photography branding, re-branding, marketing strategy, photography marketing, marketing education for photographers
The powerful lesson I learned from a decade with marketing agencies BodyLucy BaumJanuary 17, 2022photographers, marketing, marketing strategy, marketing secrets, business, business development, client management
Tips on running portfolio-building model calls Wisdom (Business & Marketing)Lucy BaumJuly 14, 2021photography model call, model calls, photography marketing, marketing strategy, starting a photography business, how to market, i, j, k, l
Powerful ways to reinforce profitability - if you have time for them Marketing conceptsLucy BaumNovember 24, 2020time optimization, productivity, time wasters, wasting time, marketing, marketing for photographers, marketing strategy
Holiday Mini Sessions: Could there be another, more profitable way? Body, Mind (Sales & Psychology)Lucy BaumNovember 2, 2020photographer marketing tools, photography business model, marketing strategy, holiday marketing strategy, photography mini sessions, mini session advertising
You settle and I settle we all settle Mind (Sales & Psychology)Lucy BaumOctober 19, 2020marketing secrets, marketing, photography business, marketing strategy, psychology of marketing
The “Editing Software” Marketing Model Marketing conceptsLucy BaumOctober 14, 2020marketing, pricing photography, photography pricing, photography business, marketing strategy
Marketing with empathy in a post-COVID world Body, Intuition, Wisdom (Business & Marketing)Lucy BaumApril 15, 2020COVID-19, Coronavirus, pandemic, marketing, marketing strategy, conflict resolution, empathy, empathy marketing
Everything in your business is your fault Wisdom (Business & Marketing)Lucy BaumOctober 3, 2019simon sinek, marketing, marketing strategy, photography, business, target market
Defining your ideal client: How to START Psychology concepts, Energy (Brand), Wisdom (Business & Marketing)Lucy BaumMay 25, 2019action, ideal client, ideal client photography, psychology, marketing secrets, marketing strategy, marketing, marketing plan, SWOT, SWOT for photographers, how to market, knowing yourself, brand building photographers, brand building, brand awareness, developing style photographers