Stop the eternal argument of whether to edit the same or differently across sessions. Find your signature style instead IntuitionLucy BaumMay 30, 2024marketing education, marketing message photographers, brand building photographers, marketing strategy, inconsistent editing, photography editing, photography style, photography voice, photography signature style
How to market your photography business: Five unexpected ways Energy (Brand), Wisdom (Business & Marketing)Lucy BaumMay 22, 2024marketing guide, marketing education, marketing for photographers, marketing message photographers, brand building photographers, marketing strategy
Three unconventional self-discovery tools for branding Energy (Brand)Lucy BaumAugust 8, 2022brand building photographers, brand building, business branding, branding a photography business, branding for photographers, re-branding
Photography and business branding: 5 discovery steps Energy (Brand)Lucy BaumJuly 25, 2022brand, brand awareness, brand building photographers, building a photography business, business branding, SWOT, SWOT for photographers, journalling, vision board, re-brand, photography branding
The important missing link when you price your photography Intuition, Wisdom (Business & Marketing)Lucy BaumJuly 27, 2020marketing, pricing photography, photography business, photography pricing, photography pricing strategies, price list for photographers, how to price photography, Cost of doing business, CODB, brand building, brand development, business development, brand building photographers, building a photography business
Defining your ideal client: How to START Psychology concepts, Energy (Brand), Wisdom (Business & Marketing)Lucy BaumMay 25, 2019action, ideal client, ideal client photography, psychology, marketing secrets, marketing strategy, marketing, marketing plan, SWOT, SWOT for photographers, how to market, knowing yourself, brand building photographers, brand building, brand awareness, developing style photographers