Tips on running portfolio-building model calls Wisdom (Business & Marketing)Lucy BaumJuly 14, 2021photography model call, model calls, photography marketing, marketing strategy, starting a photography business, how to market, i, j, k, l
When are you ready to charge as a photographer? Wisdom (Business & Marketing)Lucy BaumMay 18, 2021"ready to charge", "when is a photographer ready to charge", pricing, pricing for photographers, business, marketing, photography, photography goals, "becoming a photographer", charging as a photographer
Social media ads: Avoid trolls and sell at the same time! Sales Strategies, Mind (Sales & Psychology)Lucy BaumFebruary 9, 2021how to market, marketing, photography sales page, photography sales, creating ads, ads, photography ads
Stop defending your prices and start engaging with your clients - this isn't Game of Thrones Mind (Sales & Psychology)Lucy BaumFebruary 2, 2021marketing, photography pricing, photography pricing strategies
When not to "RUN", but to “SELL” Mind (Sales & Psychology)Lucy BaumJanuary 25, 2021sales, sales for photographers, photography sales, marketing, selling strategy, sales strategy
Marketing and Business for Photographers: Top 10 posts of 2020 Wisdom (Business & Marketing)Lucy BaumDecember 27, 2020marketing, top 10 posts of 2020, photography business, photography, marketing for photographers
Powerful ways to reinforce profitability - if you have time for them Marketing conceptsLucy BaumNovember 24, 2020time optimization, productivity, time wasters, wasting time, marketing, marketing for photographers, marketing strategy
Prices on the website: Who are they really for? Sales Strategies, Mind (Sales & Psychology)Lucy BaumNovember 9, 2020pricing photography, photographer marketing tools, photography business model, price list for photographers
Holiday Mini Sessions: Could there be another, more profitable way? Body, Mind (Sales & Psychology)Lucy BaumNovember 2, 2020photographer marketing tools, photography business model, marketing strategy, holiday marketing strategy, photography mini sessions, mini session advertising
Value Proposition: the trap of General and Generic Energy (Brand)Lucy BaumOctober 27, 2020value proposition, unique selling proposition, marketing secrets, marketing for photographers, website design, ideal client photography, branding, branding for photographers
You settle and I settle we all settle Mind (Sales & Psychology)Lucy BaumOctober 19, 2020marketing secrets, marketing, photography business, marketing strategy, psychology of marketing
The “Editing Software” Marketing Model Marketing conceptsLucy BaumOctober 14, 2020marketing, pricing photography, photography pricing, photography business, marketing strategy
Elevate to your desired pricing; don't drop and flop! Wisdom (Business & Marketing), Mind (Sales & Psychology)Lucy BaumAugust 24, 2020psychology of marketing, pricing photography, photography pricing, photography pricing strategies, client photography packages, business strategy, building a photography business, psychology of pricing
The important missing link when you price your photography Intuition, Wisdom (Business & Marketing)Lucy BaumJuly 27, 2020marketing, pricing photography, photography business, photography pricing, photography pricing strategies, price list for photographers, how to price photography, Cost of doing business, CODB, brand building, brand development, business development, brand building photographers, building a photography business
Let’s stop being surprised to be paid well Wisdom (Business & Marketing), Mind (Sales & Psychology)Lucy BaumJuly 6, 2020
Marketing with empathy in a post-COVID world Body, Intuition, Wisdom (Business & Marketing)Lucy BaumApril 15, 2020COVID-19, Coronavirus, pandemic, marketing, marketing strategy, conflict resolution, empathy, empathy marketing
The handbook for running a business during COVID-19 doesn't exist Body, Mind (Sales & Psychology)Lucy BaumApril 6, 2020marketing, psychology, business, coping, COVID-19, Coronavirus, world crisis
Are you everywhere but feel nowhere with your marketing? Energy (Brand), Wisdom (Business & Marketing), Mind (Sales & Psychology)Lucy BaumFebruary 17, 2020marketing plan, marketing, brand, ideal client, target market, how to market, SWOT, SWOT for photographers
Feeling that a client passed you by and wondering and speculating why Mind (Sales & Psychology)Lucy BaumJanuary 17, 2020photography, self-doubt, marketing for photographers
Photography price-increase fear. Are people getting less for more? Wisdom (Business & Marketing), Mind (Sales & Psychology)Lucy BaumNovember 18, 2019pricing photography, pricin, photography, photography marketing, photographer marketing tools, price increase